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Cross Platform Crypto app.

A start-up from US approached us for an overhaul and explore ways to not just refine the codes but also work with them in maintaining the app for a period of 2 years.

Most of the details are sealed as part of the confidentiality agreement but we are quiet proud with the results:

1. Mobile

  • Swift

  • Alamofire

  • RxCocoa

  • MVVM

  • SwiftyJSON

  • Fastlane

  • Kotlin

  • Rxkotlin

  • Stripe

  • iBeacon

2. Backend

  • Node.js/Express

  • Nest.js

  • Sails.js

  • Sequelize

  • PostgreSQL

  • MongoDb

  • Redis

3. Frontend

  • React

  • Redux

  • Webpack

4 DevOps

  • AWS

  • Docker

  • Jenkins